Your Beliefs Are Holding You Back

Photo of a woman planning her business goals. Woman is wearing a grey shirt and is writing with a black pen. The book she has open has text that is highlighted in yellow, green, orange and pink. She has a laptop in front of her, a pair of glasses to her left and a vase to her right.

Did you know your beliefs about your business results can actually hold you back?

Today we're diving into two key concepts: Cognitive Beliefs and Confirmation Bias. These are two survival mechanisms that (way) back in the day helped our ancestors make quick decisions and navigate the world more efficiently. But in today’s world, they’re likely holding you back in business.

Don’t worry if these terms sound new or technical. I'll help you understand them so you can break free from invisible barriers, especially those false stories you might be telling yourself about your business.

So let’s get an understanding of these concepts and talk about why it’s important to break the cycle of thoughts they create.

First, let’s explore cognitive beliefs, which are the assumptions we have about ourselves and the world around us. These beliefs quietly shape our actions and decisions, often without us even realizing it. 

But here’s the thing…these beliefs are often false. When this happens, it’s called a limiting belief and can keep you from reaching your goals.  

An example of a limiting belief is believing that a small number of sales for your latest product release means that no one wants it. This misconception can prevent you from learning about the true cause and how to fix it. 

And oh boy, when you combine a limiting belief with our next concept, Confirmation Bias, it’s a dangerous combo.

Confirmation Bias reinforces your limiting belief by causing you to focus only on information that supports your negative assumption–while ignoring evidence that contradicts it. For example, if you believe the reason your sales aren't higher is because no one wants your product, confirmation bias might lead you to overlook that your conversion percentage is actually within industry norms. And that you just need to drive more traffic to your website to get those sales up. 

So why do our brains work this way?

Well, this type of thinking evolved to help our ancestors make fast decisions in critical situations. When faced with immediate threats or opportunities, having a set of biases allowed them to act quickly without spending valuable time analyzing every detail. These shortcuts helped our brains conserve energy and focus on essential survival tasks, even if they sometimes led to irrational conclusions.

But in the here and now? The truth is that limiting beliefs paired with confirmation bias will keep you stuck in a cycle of self-doubt. Or may even be the reason you call it quits on your business altogether.

If you don’t change the trajectory of those thoughts by reinventing the story you tell yourself, it’s harder for you to get the results you’re looking for in  your business.

To achieve  your goals, you need to change the story you tell yourself. Your brain naturally gathers evidence to support your beliefs, whether they're true or not. So, let’s make sure you're working to prove the right story correct and not becoming your own worst enemy.

To make sure your cognitive bias doesn’t hold you back in your business, I’ve created a downloadable worksheet to help you work through a problem you might be facing. This way, you can change the story you’re telling yourself (the one your brain is working to prove true) and move forward in achieving your next business goal.

Stay tuned for my Feelings aren’t Facts email series that will take a closer look at the common limiting beliefs you might struggle with as a handmade business owner. We'll discuss how you can recognize them when they rear their ugly heads. And what you can do to make sure your Confirmation Bias doesn’t take the reigns. When you grab the worksheet below, you'll automatically receive the latest emails in this series!

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