Focus, Plan, Succeed

The Ultimate Goal-Setting Template for Unwavering Motivation

Growing a business is hard! And it's normal to hit patches where motivation dips and goals seem out of reach. The Goal-Setting For Growth Template Pack is your solution to reigniting motivation and achieving your business dreams. 

With the Goal-Setting For Growth Template Pack,  you're equipping yourself with a concrete plan to keep your business momentum alive, turning every challenge into an opportunity for growth. Let’s transform your business aspirations into tangible achievements, one goal at a time.

Are You Ready to Dive in?


Embrace focused growth in your business with the Must Have Goal-Setting For Growth Template Pack

Crafted to help you prioritize with clarity and purpose, guiding your handmade business towards meaningful success.

  • The template pack helps break your vision into smaller, time-bound goals, providing frequent victories that boost your motivation and drive.

  • Regularly setting and reviewing your goals with the template pack enables you to monitor progress, keeping you consistently aligned and motivated towards your business aspirations.
  • Use the template pack for setting clear yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals helps maintain a sense of direction and focus in your business, providing stability and purpose during uncertain or difficult periods.
  • With its structured yet adaptable approach, the template pack equips you to pivot gracefully during tough times, ensuring your goals stay aligned with your evolving business landscape.

A Note from Cheryl 

Hey there!

I created this because I know firsthand the rollercoaster of running a handmade business. There were times when I felt like I was on top of the world, and other times, well, not so much.

What kept me going? Goals. Not just any goals, but those that were meaningful, achievable, and aligned with what I truly wanted my business to be.

I want you to experience that clarity and excitement that comes from knowing you're on the right path, especially during those tough times.

Why am I passionate about this? Because I've been there. I've felt the uncertainty and the overwhelm. But I've also experienced the thrill of seeing my dreams materialize through thoughtful, strategic planning. And I want that for you too.

Consider this template pack a little nudge from someone who believes in your potential. So, dive in, set those goals, and let's make your business dreams a reality!

To your success,
